Maybe add plants that can chomp up drops/coins! Like a snap dragon or something! lol Maybe have popups for each time a new baddy appears on screen, and give a lil cute info to help peeps learn how to deal with them! Maybe make it so you can purchase more land! Maybe It could use a fast forward button. Maybe add visible damage to the tree when it's been munched on, besides just looking upset, like missing leaves and bare branches or whatever! Maybe make the tree go slightly transparent when you are building directly behind it, and your mouse happens to be hovered over the tree with an item selected. Maybe make it so you can zoom out a lil more the more you expand, feels crowded sometimes! You've stumbled onto a working formula! Keep up the good work! I love this game, it's unironically good! Somehow a technique to unlock more area for plants. Game lore expanding more to explore like more items ground enemies and so "Money for beating 22th lvl" HP displayed on enemies,ħ. The coins get automatically collected off the screen If a rocket plant kills an enemy off the screen we are not able to collect the coins from the enemies, two solutions: I've though of a effect within a 5 tile radius where all coins are automatically collected or at least 50% of the original value The flying enemies are extremely weak same applies to missile bells being boring and only one-use Using insta-grow on an already grown plant will cause the rocket plant to fully recharge The insta-grow glitch should get patched: Rocket plants are too op they should have less HP and damageĢ.

Great game! here's my tips for an update from my experience: