Smoking a cigarette removes Stressed, BuzzCrashed, FeelingAnxious, and Strained buffs. Additionally, the pack can be put into inventory and the same options are available. You can also click on the pack and select "Show Contents" to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. In live mode, click on the pack and select "Have Smoke". To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. ***Updated 7-8-12 Fixed moodlets not showing. ***Updated 7-12-12 Fixed sims not being able to smoke from the same pack at the same time, and adjusted the chance of getting a smoking habit. ***Updated 7-13-12 Fix for localization(translations)